Sunday, February 23, 2014

What We Don't Deserve

   I've been thinking a lot about what my next blog post was going to be about! A week of praying, listening, and trying my best to allow Christ into my life did not come easy. Since I am in the generation of finding inspirations in books and movies, I've heard a lot of quotes "to live by" and that "inspire life unlike no other". In 2012, Stephen Chbosky wrote a best-seller called "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". The book was a huge success, and later a movie followed with similar success. There was one quote from the book that seemed to just dominate the headlines. The quote was:

                                          "We accept the love we think we deserve"

   From the outside, this seems like a very inspiring quote. Many find deep meaning in it, despite it's simplicity. A lot of people that I knew really enjoyed this quote, because it went viral on almost all of my social media websites. When I first saw this quote, I was confused. I was unsure as to why people clung to it so much. After pondering it, and researching what different people thought it meant, I came to my own conclusion.

                                          "What about the love that we don't deserve?" 

   Do we accept that? Think about that question for a few moments. Do we, as humans, actually accept the love that we don't deserve? Speaking for myself (as a Christian), I know that I don't deserve the love that Christ shows me. I know that I am 100% a sinner, and therefore not worthy of the grace and love that The Almighty gives to me.
                "But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ  
                                                  died for us." Romans 5:8 NIV 

   "While we were still sinners..." This proves Christ's love for us within a half of a sentence. We were sinners, and we do not deserve anything. We don't deserve the glory, the hope, the grace, the mercy, or the love.

   "BUT God...."   Thank the Lord for the "buts"! We were sinners, we are sinners, and always will be-BUT the Lord loves us THAT much that he wanted to forgive us each day, and love us unconditionally. I am an emotional person, and that always gets the tears rolling. I AM A SINNER!!! I am such a sinner, and I am so ungodly. YET/BUT The Father still wants me. He wants a liar, gossiper, over-achiever, bragger, conceited, imperfect human being. That will forever blow my mind.

  So, what about the love that we don't deserve? We accept it. We accept it, only because of what Christ has done, and what he will do. We worship and glorify the Alpha and Omega for that unconditional, unending love that we don't deserve. We give him thanks and love him to the best of our human capability. Read over John 3:16 and personalize it. "For God so loved CASSANDRA that He sent His only begotten son, that if CASSANDRA believes in Him, CASSANDRA will not parish, but CASSANDRA will live eternal life." Reflect on that sacrificial love that we don't  or ever will deserve, but receive because of who Christ is.

In His forever & always,

                                          ^ image found at

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