Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Importance of Getting Lost

    Imagine starting off a very exciting trip. You have the address of your destination programmed in your phone. Your best friend is sitting next to you in the car. Your favorite song is blasted so loud that your sister's husband's cousin's neighbor's cat can hear it. You're trying to hear your nice GPS voice over the song, but your favorite part is coming up and it's on the radio, which means-no pauses! You figure that you've been driving on the highway for two hours and you'd be fine. You thought wrong. All of a sudden, you are in a different state. You don't recognize anything and your phone has lost its signal. You look at your friend in a sudden panic. Looks of "Where are we?" and "Did we mean to go here?" are all over her face. You both look at each other with the same thought clearly viewed across your face says "We.Are.Lost."
    What would you do if you were lost? Remember, your phone has no signal so you can't call your older sister or mom. It's just you and your best friend in a car in the middle of nowhere. Neither of you can see anything ahead of you. At least your favorite song is on, right? You could see this event from two different perspectives. Let's call them Polly and Ollie. 
    Polly would view this event as a terrible thing. She would be extremely uncomfortable and terrified. She would have a lot of anxiety and not know what to do. She would see all of the cars fly by her and focus on the fact that she is not like them, because she has no idea where she is at. Polly would view getting lost as an unnecessary thing in order to grow personally.
    Ollie would be almost the complete opposite. He loves getting lost! He does it quite often, actually. He thinks that he gets in touch with himself when he doesn't know where he's at. He loves looking at the strangers around him driving around and enjoying life. Ollie would say that getting lost is the best thing he's ever done in his life.

     Maybe you've caught on to the fact that this post isn't about getting physically lost. Maybe you've picked up on the fact that I'm not talking about getting lost on your way to vacation. Maybe you even know what I'm talking about. I am talking about getting lost in worship. 

"Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods.  Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies."
                                                          2 Kings 17:38-39 

"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.  For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God."
                                                          Psalm 86:9-10

"He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."
                                                         Revelation 14:7 

     There are so many verses in the Word that talk about worshipping. As a Christ follower, I am required to worship God. I've never seen it as a requirement, rather something that I look so forward to doing. My title is something that I like to remind myself to do. I remind myself to get lost in worship. I don't understand how people DON'T worship! I look around my life and see so much to worship for. I've always been musical, and I really enjoy singing, so vocally worshipping during the week is one of my favorite things to do. I can get so lost in a song, and its lyrics that I believe that I'm not in my room, or in the sanctuary on Sunday. I'm just lost. 

    I like to remind everyone to do this. I hope that everyone experiences getting lost in worship. Here are some practical things that I have found during my high school and college career that have helped me continue to worship The Almighty: 

  1. Make a worship playlist for your car or your phone. This is so simple, yet so impactful. It was one of the best thing's I've ever decided to do while going to community college. Worshipping in the car was a good use of 15 minutes and always put me in a grateful mood. 
  2. Find other ways to worship. Maybe you don't like singing, or singing in large crowds. That's fine! I knew someone who loved worshipping by drawing. She would "draw things to God"-pictures or images that reminded her of Him. Whatever you love to do, you can dedicate to Him and encourage others to worship along with you. 
  3. Pray in the car. When your phone dies, or your cd skips, it's easy to just turn on the radio (maybe to a secular radio channel, too!) I decided to take this time to pray. It's nice to do in the car because you're most likely awake (I hope!) and you could be alone. It's a perfect time to talk with your God. 
  4. Listen to worship music while doing homework. For those who don't like to sing, you don't have to! Simply listen to songs that glorify God and it will change your outlook. From personal experience, I have noticed that listening to Christian music puts me in a better mood, and I am more susceptible to praising God throughout the day. 
 I pray that we all will remember to get lost in worship daily. Look around and observe all that God has gifted you with. See a beautiful flower? Praise God. Your parents love you and bless you with all you need? Praise God. Your friend decides to check out "this Christian stuff"? Praise God!! Praise Him in all you do and for all you have. Trust me when I say it will better your relationship with Him and you will be blessed in return. 

In Him forever & always,

                                          ^I took this picture of a friend worshipping when we visited Hillsong NYC

*Songs that I'm loving to worship God to these days: 
  1. "Lord I Need You"-Matt Maher
  2. "Remind Me Who I Am"-Jason Gray
  3. "Lift My Life Up"-Unspoken
  4. "Oceans"-Hillsong
  5. "Anchor"-Hillsong
  6. "Sinking Deep"-Hillsong Young & Free
  7. "10,000 Reasons"-(covered by) The Rend Collective
  8. "In Christ Alone"-(covered by) Owl City
  9. "One Thing Remains"-Jesus Culture 
  10. "Take Heart"-Hillsong 

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