Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What I Wish I Knew in High School 4: What I learned from My Shattered iPhone

Walking in Philly with my brother was definitely an adventure. This past week, my older brother and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe to see Dustin Lynch for a free concert. Since neither of us are "city folk", we had no idea where we were going. We parked a mile away from the restaurant to avoid paying $30.00 for the three hours we would be there. I went to grab my phone out my pocket to mark down what street we were on; and thus-the worst thing happened. My poor little phone flew out of my hand and landed on the pavement-face down. My pulse quickened as I lifted my phone up, and I immediately closed my eyes in despair. The little chip on the side of my phone had spread wildly out of control. It was shattered. It was spider-webbed. It was done.

 I was actually surprised that it took me this long to break my phone. I have the worst luck with all technology, so after dropping it multiple times, I guess it finally gave up on me. Today, while scrolling through an article, my thumb felt wet. I looked down and almost fainted...there was blood-everywhere. I suppose chunks of the glass cut up my thumb, and I was just noticing it. *Side note-I can't deal with blood. It's gross, which is why God intended for it to stay in our bodies.* After cleaning myself and my phone up, I carefully dragged my fingers across the pattern of the cracks. I was amazed at how many different directions these cracks were going-all from one blow to the ground. 
It made me think of high school.
It made me think of a lie that was planted in my mind. 
It made me think of how that one lie turned into years of pain. 


It only took one hit to the ground to destroy my phone. It only took one chip on the side of my phone to spider-web out of control. It only took one lie from satan to destroy my heart. I can't remember when the thought first popped into my head, but I can certainly remember the years of damage it had done. Looking back, I know now that I am not the only one who felt that way. I know that I am not the only one who suffered because of one sentence. 

                                                    "You are not good enough."

This lie started out as just one sentence-like my phone's damage started out as just one chip. That lie followed me like a sad dog. It infected me in so many different areas in my life. It infected my relationship with my family. It infected my friendships. It infected my self-esteem. It spread like wildfire throughout my heart; eventually finding its way to my brain. It wasn't all of the negative thoughts that were the problem. Of course, there were factors that played into it as I grew up. Losing close friends, fights with my siblings, deception from boys-you name it. The thoughts and events truly made myself believe that I was not good enough for anyone. Anytime my parents would pay attention to another sibling, I believed that I wasn't loved in the same way. When my friends would ditch me, I believed that I wasn't a good enough friend. When a boy asked me why I ever thought he could like someone like me, I believed that I wasn't beautiful...and that no one could ever truly love me. These dark lies and twisted thoughts ruined me. They broke my heart. They put me in a dark place for years. It wasn't until I exposed myself to the light that I was healed. It wasn't until I started replacing those lies with Biblical truths that I found my self-confidence. It wasn't until I heard Jesus call me His beautiful daughter that I believed I was good enough. It wasn't until I felt His unfailing, unchanging, unconditional, everlasting LOVE that my life changed. I understood it. 

If satan could place one lie in my life that damaged everything, Christ could plant many, many truths in my life that could heal everything. 

"Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love." Psalm 31:16 NIV

"How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7 NIV

"The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." Jeremiah 31:3 ESV 

"From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth." Psalm 50:2 NIV

It only took a few truths to lead me on the path to healing. I would say that everyone that seeks the truth of the Lord is on a healing process. We're all broken in some way, but though Christ-our brokenness is made into beauty! (Psalm 31:18, Psalm 147:3) The world is infected with satan, and therefore brings lies to us. Though it may be difficult, it's not impossible to seek beauty in all of our brokenness. Ainsley Britain knew that the girls of our country needed to hear this exact message. 

Unveil: verb: to disclose or reveal, to reveal one's true self

Ainsley Britain  started the Unveiled Campaign in 2014. She had a vision for young women across our nation. She believed that women should unveil the truth about themselves in order to fulfill their dreams and destiny. She believed that young women across the world should walk in truth and beauty within themselves. The initiative is to empower young women to spread awareness unveiling true 
 beauty and defeating the lies that we're faced with everyday. The hope behind the cause is to encourage others to not hide behind themselves, instead, to embrace who they are and shine to others. 

The Unveiled Campaign also focuses on sexual abuse. Ainsley Britain also feels very passionate about raising awareness for sexual abuse in this country. The campaign encourages women to get help and seek counseling in times of trouble. On the campaign's website, there are links to places to get help for sexual abuse, child abuse, suicide, and eating disorders. 

Unveiled is based out of Nashville, TN, but is quickly spreading around America. The campaign makes videos on advice, information and news that focuses on topics related to the cause. 

Our society needs Jesus, desperately. I know for a fact that I am not the only one who has believed these lies. I believe that Christ instilled this movement in Ainsley's heart to CHANGE these lies. I believe that through this campaign, girls will get a better understanding of who they are, and whose they are. 

I pray that Ainsley and her team at Unveiled will help destroy the LIES that we are being told and replace them with the TRUTH that is Jesus Christ and His unfailing love for us. I've been challenged by this campaign, and I believe you will be too. How will you unveil yourself?

Please join me in supporting and spreading awareness of this cause at 


In His forever & always,

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